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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Interesting quiz, with answers...

A lot of people confuse heart attacks with cardiac arrest. Most heart attack victims don't die. Most cardiac arrest victims stay dead when they arrest.

There is a lot of folklore in circulation, most of which is incorrect. There is an interesting "What do you know about heart attacks?" quiz at

Cardiac arrests are a lot simpler: tens of millions of people have Coronary Artery Disease in North America. For more than half, the first symptom they experience is death.

Of these people who arrest, a 'theoretical maximum' of two thirds can be saved, if chest compressions begin immediately and defibrillation happens promptly. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen most of the time, because most of our population doesn't know how to recognize when someone needs CPR, doesn't know how to perform it, and doesn't have an AED (automatic external defibrillator) nearby when they witness a sudden cardiac arrest.

Take the quiz. Then watch the SLICC class video at and take it again.



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