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Thursday, September 11, 2014

By the numbers...

It's all about 
  • the size of the risk and what you know.
  • The largest killer in this country
  • the largest disabler in this country
  • what you can do about them.
Two factors determine the size of a risk: 
  1. How likely is it that the thing you're concerned about will happen?
  2. And if it happens, how large is the loss?
  • "one chance in a million that you'll lose a leg" is not a big risk.
  • "a 50 / 50 chance that you'll lose a penny" is not a big risk.
How big a risk is a ten percent chance that you'll see a family member or friend die of a cardiac arrest and not know exactly what to do about it? 

Each of us will see - at least once in our lifetime - a family member or friend or someone we know die of a cardiac arrest. And whether that person gets brought back with their brain intact will be significantly determined by whether you know what to do and do it quickly.

Your odds of seeing a stranger arrest are ten times smaller - unless you watch a lot of TV. In real life, seventy percent of all arrests happen in the home.

That's why it's it's terribly important to your survival that those you are frequently around know how to recognize when you have had a sudden cardiac arrest and when you have had a stroke...and what to do about it. 

To get those around you to get trained often requires that you first get trained.

Why don't you do something about that now? Once you've watched those clips, make sure those people you spend time with do, too.
