NORRISTOWN — State Rep. Mike Vereb, R-150th Dist., delivered a bill to the House floor Wednesday that aims to prevent sudden cardiac arrest in student athletes.
The Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Prevention Act, or House Bill 1610, currently has 40 co-sponsors. The legislation calls for student athletes, who either exhibit signs or symptoms of SCA while participating in their sport or who have exhibited signs or symptoms of SCA prior to or following an athletic activity, to be removed from play until they provide written approval from an appropriate health care professional.
That's ducky, just plain ducky.
The only sign / symptom of an SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) is death. I guess it's appropriate to require "athletes who either exhibit signs or symptoms of SCA be removed from play until they provide written approval from an appropriate health care professional."
It would be more appropriate for the wizards in the House to pass a bill prohibiting a practice, tryout, or game session by an athletic group without an AED and a person trained in its use in attendance.

When you see a cardiac arrest, your brain fights you - "No, this isn't really happening" - and the circumstances fight you - "Dang! in CPR class the manikin didn't weigh very much and wasn't sitting in a deep chair. This blog deals with practical details and presents reports of "saves." Let me have your questions and comments - they will steer the course of this blog. This blog is brought to you by the volunteers at
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Commotio Cordis Thwarted This Time
Note: During a brief part of every heartbeat, a heart can be placed in a chaotic state - so chaotic that it cannot pump blood - by a hard blow to the chest in the area of the heart. There is a registry that by no means captures all instances of this phenomenon, but in that sample, 95% of the victims were male and fewer than 20% survived. A person whose heart has stopped pumping in this manner can sometimes be resuscitated with an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) but not always. There is no excuse for not having an AED at all practices and games in sports such as baseball and lacrosse. See Commotio Cordis in wiki for more details.
J-D lacrosse player revived after being struck by ball at tryout
Published: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 8:00 AM
Updated: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 8:40 AM
By Donnie Webb / The Post-Standard
A Jamesville-DeWitt High School lacrosse player was revived with CPR and a defibrillator after he was struck in the chest by a shot from another player on Wednesday.
The incident occurred at Fayetteville-Manlius High School during tryouts for a Section III team that will participate in a July event called the Upstate Risings.
Sophomore Dan Cochran, a member of the J-D junior varsity this past season, was in stable condition Wednesday night at University Hospital, according to a nursing supervisor.
Red Rams head coach Jamie Archer, whose team just won the Class B state lacrosse championship, said Cochran was joking around “like it never happened” when he called the hospital to check on his player.
“A big sigh of relief,” Archer said. “He’ll probably never know how close it came to a different outcome.”
Rome Free Academy lacrosse coaches Guy Calandra and Jeremy Roberts were running the tryouts for about 50 10th-graders, including Cochran, when the incident happened at about 6:30 p.m. Calandra said he was about five feet away when he saw Cochran take the blow from the shot.
Cochran turned his body in anticipation of the contact. The lacrosse ball struck him in the rib cage underneath his chest protector. Calandra said Cochran fell face forward to the ground.
“When I got to look at him, I could just tell,” Calandra said. “I said to him, ‘Hey, are you OK? Look at me. What’s your name?’ He couldn’t respond. I yelled for 911 and Jeremy.”
Cochran’s breathing was labored. Roberts was at the opposite end of the field working with other players. The second time Calandra called his name, Roberts said he knew there was a crisis. He sprinted to the other end of the field to begin CPR on Cochran.
Roberts, 36, has worked as a lifeguard since he was 16 and been a certified trainer for the last five years. Calandra is trained in CPR as well. Calandra began a series of 30 compression pumps on Cochran’s chest. Roberts performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
The mother of another player trying out for the 11th-grade team approached the scene. She said she was a registered nurse and asked Calandra if he needed her to take over. She did and performed a series of compression pumps.
Fayetteville-Manlius High School certified trainer Cyndi Kelder rushed to the scene with a defibrillator. Even though this was not a school event, she had been hired to work the tryouts by Tom Hall, the longtime F-M lacrosse patriarch and the founder of the Upstate Risings event.
Kelder said Cochran had no pulse when she hooked him up to the defibrillator. The machine told her what to do next — apply the pads and shock the player. She did. The blast got Cochran’s heart pumping in rhythm again.
“I’ve been doing this awhile now,” said Kelder. “I’ve never had to open up (the defibrillator) other than checking it and for maintenance. It was one of those moments.”
Sirens from local ambulances and fire trucks wailed in the distance. Multiple rescue trucks pulled onto the field. Roberts kept yelling encouragement to Cochran. “Hang in there, buddy,” he said. “Hang in there.”
Cochran was beginning to respond. Calandra asked him how he felt. He told the coach his arm was sore. It was a sweet response.
The magnitude of their efforts hit hard later in the night. Calandra said he could barely talk, much less feel. Roberts said he hugged his wife, Becky, and broke into tears. The nurse who assisted on the field broke into tears when she saw her son after tryouts. She said it all hit home. That could have been her son, she said.
F-M boys lacrosse coach Chris Kenneally said he was witness to a tragedy at Hobart some 30 years ago when a player died on the field after being struck in the chest by a shot. He vowed that would never happen again and said the school is vigilant and ready with its supply of defibrillators and trainers.
Hall said had this happened at the Empire State Games, there would have been no trainers or defibrillators because of cost cuts.
“We prepare for this type of thing,” Hall said. “I was so impressed with the (RFA) staff and (F-M) trainer. I’ve seen some serious situations over the years. This has to be at the top of the list.”
“Even though we’re all trained, it was nice to have more hands,” Calandra said. “It went well. It could have been horrible.
“I hope I don’t ever have to do it again, I’ll tell you that.”
J-D lacrosse player revived after being struck by ball at tryout
Published: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 8:00 AM
Updated: Thursday, June 16, 2011, 8:40 AM
By Donnie Webb / The Post-Standard
A Jamesville-DeWitt High School lacrosse player was revived with CPR and a defibrillator after he was struck in the chest by a shot from another player on Wednesday.
The incident occurred at Fayetteville-Manlius High School during tryouts for a Section III team that will participate in a July event called the Upstate Risings.
Sophomore Dan Cochran, a member of the J-D junior varsity this past season, was in stable condition Wednesday night at University Hospital, according to a nursing supervisor.
Red Rams head coach Jamie Archer, whose team just won the Class B state lacrosse championship, said Cochran was joking around “like it never happened” when he called the hospital to check on his player.
“A big sigh of relief,” Archer said. “He’ll probably never know how close it came to a different outcome.”
Rome Free Academy lacrosse coaches Guy Calandra and Jeremy Roberts were running the tryouts for about 50 10th-graders, including Cochran, when the incident happened at about 6:30 p.m. Calandra said he was about five feet away when he saw Cochran take the blow from the shot.
Cochran turned his body in anticipation of the contact. The lacrosse ball struck him in the rib cage underneath his chest protector. Calandra said Cochran fell face forward to the ground.
“When I got to look at him, I could just tell,” Calandra said. “I said to him, ‘Hey, are you OK? Look at me. What’s your name?’ He couldn’t respond. I yelled for 911 and Jeremy.”
Cochran’s breathing was labored. Roberts was at the opposite end of the field working with other players. The second time Calandra called his name, Roberts said he knew there was a crisis. He sprinted to the other end of the field to begin CPR on Cochran.
Roberts, 36, has worked as a lifeguard since he was 16 and been a certified trainer for the last five years. Calandra is trained in CPR as well. Calandra began a series of 30 compression pumps on Cochran’s chest. Roberts performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
The mother of another player trying out for the 11th-grade team approached the scene. She said she was a registered nurse and asked Calandra if he needed her to take over. She did and performed a series of compression pumps.
Fayetteville-Manlius High School certified trainer Cyndi Kelder rushed to the scene with a defibrillator. Even though this was not a school event, she had been hired to work the tryouts by Tom Hall, the longtime F-M lacrosse patriarch and the founder of the Upstate Risings event.
Kelder said Cochran had no pulse when she hooked him up to the defibrillator. The machine told her what to do next — apply the pads and shock the player. She did. The blast got Cochran’s heart pumping in rhythm again.
“I’ve been doing this awhile now,” said Kelder. “I’ve never had to open up (the defibrillator) other than checking it and for maintenance. It was one of those moments.”
Sirens from local ambulances and fire trucks wailed in the distance. Multiple rescue trucks pulled onto the field. Roberts kept yelling encouragement to Cochran. “Hang in there, buddy,” he said. “Hang in there.”
Cochran was beginning to respond. Calandra asked him how he felt. He told the coach his arm was sore. It was a sweet response.
The magnitude of their efforts hit hard later in the night. Calandra said he could barely talk, much less feel. Roberts said he hugged his wife, Becky, and broke into tears. The nurse who assisted on the field broke into tears when she saw her son after tryouts. She said it all hit home. That could have been her son, she said.
F-M boys lacrosse coach Chris Kenneally said he was witness to a tragedy at Hobart some 30 years ago when a player died on the field after being struck in the chest by a shot. He vowed that would never happen again and said the school is vigilant and ready with its supply of defibrillators and trainers.
Hall said had this happened at the Empire State Games, there would have been no trainers or defibrillators because of cost cuts.
“We prepare for this type of thing,” Hall said. “I was so impressed with the (RFA) staff and (F-M) trainer. I’ve seen some serious situations over the years. This has to be at the top of the list.”
“Even though we’re all trained, it was nice to have more hands,” Calandra said. “It went well. It could have been horrible.
“I hope I don’t ever have to do it again, I’ll tell you that.”
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