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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Accuracy makes a difference.

The story below ran under the headline "Azle Student Athlete Hurt on the Field"

I would argue that the headline "Azie Student Athlete died on field, saved by CPR & AED" not only would be more accurate, but would be more likely to cause a reader to consider making sure that all the schools in their area had trained personnel and READY ACCESS TO AN AED AT EVERY ATHLETIC CONTEST AND PRACTICE.


Azle Student Athlete Hurt on the Field
Published : Tuesday, 20 Sep 2011, 9:16 PM CDT FOX 4 News Web Team

AZLE, Texas - A seventh grade football player from Azle Junior High School stopped breathing after a violent collision during a game Tuesday night.

It happened at the school. He was hit on the field and stopped breathing.

The school district said trainers and a school nurse performed CPR and used a portable defibrillator on the boy until paramedics arrived. He started breathing again.

The boy was conscious and talking when he was flown by air ambulance to a Fort Worth hospital, the district said. Stay tuned to and FOX 4 News for updates on this story.